Policies & Miscellaneous

Health Issue
Make your Team Staff aware of any health issue your child has that could affect them while involved in a team activity before the start of the season.   To include food allergies with regard to the team’s end-of-the-game drink/snack.

Date Of Birth

If a parent intentionally submits an incorrect date of birth in an effort to have their child placed in a younger age division the player will be suspended for the balance of the season.

Common Language
To avoid past season issues, one being team division, the coaches and players on a team must speak a common language, English, at all team activities.

Divorced Parents
The NWYSA's position with regard to divorced parents is that they need to put aside their differences and come together for their child's sake, and that of the child's team. Both parents will be kept updated unless there is a court order stating the NWYSA must do otherwise. Should a parent not want a child placed with a family/coach/player, the child will not be placed with the family/coach/player, so both parents need to come to an agreement.  If both parents cannot agree to the NWYSA's stated policy, their child will not be permitted to participate in the NWYSA. 

Players should attend each team activity, if possible, even if needing to arrive late or leave early. Players in special circumstances who must miss half of their team activities can still participate, but they must make this known to both the NWYSA and Head Coach before the start of the season. If a player needs to miss a session, practice, or game you need to notify your Head Coach in advance, more than a day, if possible. In the case of a player needing to miss a game due to an injury depending on the severity of the injury possibly still attend the game to support their team. Under 10/11/12 and Under 13/14/15 Players, need to make at least one of their team's practices, both if at all possible.

Arrival Times


Players should be dressed and ready to begin the practice at the designated time, if possible.

Sessions & Games
* U4 Team Players: 10 Minutes Before Session
* U6 Team Players: 15 Minutes Before Game
* U9 Team Players: 20 Minutes Before Game
* U12 Team Players: 30 Minutes Before Game
* U15 Team Players: 40 Minutes Before Game

Drop Off & Pick-Up
If you cannot stay for a practice or game make your Head Coach aware of this in advance.  Please return to pick up your player on time as two team staff members must stay with the players until all are picked up. Please stay at the fields if there is questionable weather that could result in a shortened practice or game.  Also, make your Head Coach aware if someone other than a parent is going to pick up your player.

Member Conduct
It is the responsibility of each member and spectator in attendance at any activity to conduct themselves in a civil manner. Anyone who exhibits behavior tendencies that are detrimental to the enjoyment of others at an activity will be required to leave.  All members are expected to adhere to the program’s policies along with treating fellow members along with program and team staff with appropriate civility and conduct whether it be on or off the field. Failure to do so will result in being dropped from the program without a refund.

Player Conduct
All players are expected to adhere to the program’s policies, and approved team policies, along with treating their teammates and team staff with appropriate civility and conduct. A player who doesn’t adhere to a program policy will be given a verbal warning. If the player fails to adhere to the stated program policy after being given a verbal warning they will be suspended from participating in their next game. Continued failure to comply will result in being dropped from the program without a refund.

Smoking & Alcohol
The school property, parking lot, fields, and any other location a team may use have been designated smoking, and alcohol free zones.

Flags, Banners, Signs & Wear
The only flags, banners, and signs permitted to be displayed at any soccer activity are the United States, NWYSA, and Walker Charter Academy, or approved USA patriotic or soccer-related displays. Regarding member wear, it cannot be anything the NWYSA deems inappropriate or offensive.

Sound Making Units
As a result of numerous unsportsmanlike complaints, the use of horns, bells, and like sound units is prohibited.

Player Fee Credit
If overpaying a credit will be issued for use in a future season in which case note the reason on the signup form and pay accordingly or submit a request for an adjustment which will be issued after the season.

Player Fee Refund
If a player quits after the regular signup period has ended, when the teams have been formed and their orders placed, no refund will be issued. If a player becomes injured before the start of a season and is unable to participate a refund will be issued if a doctor’s note is provided. Should a player become injured during a season a partial credit will be issued for use in a future season.

Poaching & Divulging Information

If you are contacted indirectly or directly or are aware of an NWYSA member who has been contacted indirectly or directly by a representative of another program or an NWYSA member acting on behalf of another program attempting to entice NWYSA members to leave the program during a season notify both your Head Coach and the NWYSA. A member involved in this inappropriate conduct will be dropped from the program without a refund.

Divulging Information
Any NWYSA member divulging personal information they’ve been entrusted with, such as team roster information, for their or anyone else's benefit will be dropped from the program without refund and may face legal action.  Personal information must be used strictly for NWYSA program purposes only.

Problem Resolution
Should you have a team level on the field, for example, playtime, or off the field, for example, such as not being kept informed by your Head Coach, out of courtesy please talk to your Head Coach before contacting the NWYSA. If you cannot resolve your team level issue then contact the NWYSA.  If a program level issue contact both your Head Coach and the NWYSA. Please do not involve other members with your issue.