Playtime & Positions

Coaches are asked to do their best in adhering to the program’s playtime requirement while taking into consideration factors such as a player's physical ability, disciplinary issue, etc. when determining a player's playtime.

* Under 4/5/6: 50%
* Under 7/8/9: 50%
* Under 10/11/12: 40%-60%
* Under 13/14/15: 40%-60%

Playtime Aides
* Sub Time:   SubTime | Youth Sports Coaching | Football Soccer Basketball Lacrosse ( 
* Coach Any:   Keep track of substitutions while coaching kids - CoachAny 
* Playing Time Calculator:   Playing Time Calculator - Equal Playing Time Calculator 
* Soccer ST/PT:  Soccer Stats Tracker w/ Playing Time for Android


Under 4/5/6 Coaches, are asked to do their best to provide an opportunity for each player to play at and learn the different positions when possible, and if a player is able to do so.  Goalkeeping Position, U6 players are not to be forced to play at this position unless no player on the team is willing to do so in which case a team’s players are to be rotated.  

Under 7/8/9 Coaches, are asked to do their best to provide an opportunity for each player to play at and learn the different positions when possible.  Goalkeeping Position, U9 players are not to be forced to play at this position unless no player on the team is willing to do so in which case a team’s players are to be rotated.  

Under 10/11/12 Coaches, A Head Coach should consider a player's strengths and weaknesses and position the player at a position/s that best helps their team.  After a player has proven an understanding and ability at a position, keeping in mind what is in their team's best interest, then be taught a new position.  Goalkeeping Position, only those players who have proven ability to play this position should be assigned to it.  

13/14/15 Players Coaches, A Head Coach should consider a player's strengths and weaknesses and position the player at a position/s that best helps their team.  Goalkeeping Position, only those players who have proven ability to play this position should be assigned to it.